No oceans. No air. No life.
Welcome to
the movement
to make plastic history
The plastic age

Avoid plastic wherever possible and replace with alternative, eco-innovative materials.
Opt for minimal or no packaging and refuse single-use plastics (e.g. bags, bottles, utensils, straws, lids).
Plan ahead. Carry reusable alternatives.
Talk about it. Educate and empower your friends and family to adopt a plastic-conscious mentality.
Your first step: Take the Parley AIR Pledge.

Inform yourself on local recycling and composting.
Support businesses that support the oceans – look for recycling and upcycling initiatives, plastic alternatives, waste reduction policies, etc.
Participate in a beach cleanup (or lake, river, park cleanup). It’s one thing to talk about the problem and another to confront it head on.
Speak up. If you come across a major pollution source or plastic waste emergency, let Parley know.

To solve plastic for good, we must reinvent the material, methods and thinking behind it. Get creative. We have imaginations for a reason.
Question both the reason-to-be and end-of-life for every item you use.
Support the use of eco-innovative materials and alternatives to plastic.
Support/implement policies that prevent unnecessary plastics (like microbeads and plastic bags).